The CLient is a program that makes a subtelnet to Global Village. It reduces lag for users that are not near the location of the and has several other nice features. You can use the same yawc-client-program to telnet to ten different YAWC-bbs's at once, and switching between them. Installation of the CLient is not included in this manual. This simply states the different options in it. The YAWC-CLient is made of the ISCABBS-Client and is distributed under the same license as Serendipity originally did. It was changed to suit YAWC-BBS's by KHaglund, but Serendipity at IscaBBS is the real author. <^B> is the Macro-key, which is the key that tells the CLient locally that you want to enter a special command-key. If you for example want to shell out, you hit <^B> <!>, ie. first the macro-key, then the !-key to shell out. These are the different Macro-command-options: <^F> Quit the current session. <^Z> Suspent the CLient. (restart it with 'fg') <!> Start a sub-shell. Exit with 'exit'. <C> Start/Stop capturing to the ~./yawcbbstmp-file. <0> Try to connect to another YAWC-BBS, as configured in . the ./yawcbbsrc-file. (<c>onfig <c>lient <l>ocal <b>bs's) . . <9> The rest of the normal keys are normal macro-keys. To configure the CLient, you press <cl>onfig <c>lient when you are connected to a YAWC-bbs. That gives you the following options: <E>nemy list <F>riend list <K>eys <L>ocal <M>acros <O>ptions -> <E>nemy list: The Enemy-list is a list of those users that you do not wish to see X's or posts of. Currently the post-killing-part is not made, but it will be very soon. The BBS-enemy-list is more efficient though. <F>riend list: The Friend-list is a list of the users that you know and are friends with. It has no real purpose yet, and nobody knows if it will be used either. Both of these commands are fairly self-explanatory. <K>eys gives these following questions: Enter key to indicate start of macro (^B) -> Enter key to quit client (^F) -> Enter key to suspend client (^Z) -> Enter key to start a new shell (!) -> Enter key to toggle capture mode (C) -> You can change the different command-keys as you want, but this way is recommended so that there is some sort of structure all over. <L>ocal gives this sub-menu: <B>BS's <E>ditor -> <B>BS's lets you configure which BBS's you want to connect to using <^B> <0 ... 9>. <E>ditor lets you choose which local editor you want to use for the post-writing. <M>acros: You can define several macros for your own use using this command. If you get tired of typing "Hello! I am fine, how are you?" all the time, you can define a macro to say that for you with two key-strokes. The macro is then released like this: <^B> <h> for the "h"-macro. <O>ptions: There are no options in there right now. |
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