Global Village is a telnet-based BBS situated in Vienna, Austria. It is designed to be a meetingplace for people from all over the world. Technically speaking, this BBS is running on a server connected to the internet 24 hours a day, allowing everyone to connect from anywhere in the world. The server is an Intel(R) Celeron(R) M 1.5GHz with Linux as operating system.
The main features of Global Village BBS are:
- meet many people online from all continents (international)
- make new friends
- chat with "good old" friends
- leave private messages to other users
- write public messages in our forums
- there are about 400 discussion areas
- the BBS is available in different languages including
- English
- German
- French
- Spanish
- Italian
- language specific discussion areas
- online game called CUBES
- remote BBS system
- www user-profile gateway
- ability to use the BBS CLient if there is lag
- FREE of charge
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